Student Solution


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Module 7.2 Discussion

Module 7.2 Discussion

Q Last week we discussed our personal career futures. This week we’ll focus on the broader societal landscape and what value diversity and inclusion play in the future of work. Diversity in the workplace does not just refer to race, sex, religion, class, and age. A commitment to a diverse working environment also acknowledges the importance of the diversity of perspectives, cultures, backgrounds, and strengths. Begin by reading pages 7.1-7.7 of the webtext for this week and viewing the video, "Inclusion Starts with I", below. Then read Four Diversity and Inclusion Disruptors in The Future of Work (Links to an external site.). Accenture. (2017). Inclusion starts with an I. (Links to an external site.) YouTube. [Video: 3:28 minutes]. Transcripts Download Transcripts. Discussion Instructions Initial Post: Then, by Thursday of Module 7, create an initial post that responds to each of the prompts below: • Have you ever encountered a situation like the ones highlighted in the video? How did it impact you? • What demographic groups, backgrounds, or perspectives are underrepresented in your career field? Why? • What are the benefits of working in diverse groups? What are the challenges? Your initial post should refer to evidence from at least one source (please cite your source in your post). You will not be able to see posts written by your classmates until you create your initial post. Replies: Then, from Friday through Sunday of Module 7, reply to your classmates’ initial posts and engage with them in a conversation about the future of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Do you think our workplaces will become more or less diverse and inclusive in the future? Why? Please be sure to reply to at least two of your peers' posts. Evaluation • This discussion will be graded according to the Cornerstone Discussion Board Rubric. Review the rubric and Discussion Board Expectations in advance to know how you will be assessed. • All discussion boards combined are worth 20% of your course grade. • This activity is used to assess one or more general education career competencies (GECC). You will see additional rows in your rubric from your instructor along with assessments of Above/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectations for each competency. These rows do not factor into your grade.

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I have encountered a situation like the ones highlighted in the video. This situation had been when I had been judged to not give too much time to my family members because of being considered to be a workaholic male (Accenture, 2017). Therefore, I had been judged to be more committed towards my work. This had made a great impact in my life because I had never considered myself to be working too much to avoid or neglect my responsibilities towards my family members. I had started to try spending more time with my family members because of this type of judgment about me. I had felt frustrated and hurt about being judged in this way.